Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Internet Short Films

The following are a set of three internet exclusive short films intended to illustrate the unique opportunities the internet provides people with creative talent, but whom wouldn't originally of had a method of gaining exposure.

The first of my videos is Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, an episode in a series of 'Angry Video Game Nerd' episodes by internet personality James D. Rolfe. Originally james posted two video game reviews online in a distinct style and the videos became rather popular. James tidied up the production and actually started to produce regular episodes hosting them from his website www.cinemassacre.com. The videos continued to gain popularity to the extent that www.gametrailers.com actually started to sponsor James as a result allowing him to share his films with a broader audience.

I chose this video as it shows how the internet provides a much greater slection of cinematic entertainment as I wait for each new episode how I would wait for a new television show episode. The internet gives a chance for everyone to express theirselves, and the truly talented of the bunch actually can make a career out of their work through sponsorship and brand merchandise.

My second video is an episdoe from a youtube serial created by brothers Remi and Regis Broadway, entitled 'Choose Your Own Tube.' This was the first of a now common technique involving audience participation in youtube videos. At the end of each episode viewers are given a three or four options on what can happen in the following episode. After tallying the votes, the next video reflects the most popular outcome and the series continues as such. While not as successful as some youtube hits, it was the first series to attempt the idea and still exists as a symbol of creative use for youtube and internet video. Regis and Remi created the series as a trial for a potential TV Pilot in order to gauge audience responses, using the idea for audience participation as a hook and means of evaluation.

Unfortunately, the internet isn't necessarily home to unique and interesting video entertainment. This simple snippet of a home video has acquired 9,801,953 views, millions above either of the previous productions. This particuarly goes to prove that the internet isn't only a means of creative expression, but a waste dump for humorous, but redundant material that doesn't serve to do anything but provide a cheap laugh. However, the views alone just go to show, this is the kind of thing people enjoy. While interestingly, this video has likely received no profit and is quickly forgotten about. It's cheap, you see it, laugh, tell your friends, forget about it, and they do the same.

I think together these short films demonstrate the variety of material available on the internet. Anyone can have their 5 seconds of fame here, whether it be through creative expression, creative evaluation, or a cheap gag. All three of these films are entertaining in their own right and do the internet proud.

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