Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Research - Tutorial 3

Another week another tutorial. This week we were ordered to research the following terms ECU, WS and MS. My first assumption was that these would all be computer related terms, however, upon a quick search it became apparent each could mean any number of things.

ECU made me think of Electronic Cooling Unit for some reason. So I typed ECU into the search engine and a number of sites in order to see what came up. I was only more confused, ECU stood for a lot of things.

Like the European Chess Union for example.


Among others I found:Now, whether we were looking for something specific or not, I'm not sure. The task did refer to language of the screen, so I took it upon myself to refine the search a little.

As it turns out the a group called Scottish Rite Masons is raising money for the East Carolina University Speech Language and Hearing Clinic. Their goal is to aid communication by helping children with language and hearing disabilities. As the article explains "Speech and language services are provided by faculty and graduate students in the ECU Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the School of Allied Health Sciences. The Scottish Rite program specializes in diagnostic evaluations for children and adolescents who are suspected of having or have been diagnosed with a language-based learning disability including problems with pre-reading skills, reading, writing, understanding speech or expressing themselves."

The complete article can be found at this site: http://www.ecu.edu/news/newsstory.cfm?ID=1086

Still unsure whether or not I had uncovered the intended definition of ECU I continued to search , however, no matter what I seemed to fine my searches kept coming up with East Carolina University. So from this day onward I declare East Carolina University the sole partner to the abbreviation ECU.

My next task was to uncover the truth behind the letters WS.

But at this point I had just been informed that ECU actually stood for Extreme Close-Up... All of my research for nothing. I should have figured the answer all along, being a film student and all.

Back to WS, my first guess was Waylon Smithers, from the popular animated series The Simpsons, however, I suspected this may not be the correct answer.

According to the internet WS does infact stand for Wii Sports. A popular game for the Nintendo Wii home console.

It then occured to me that in terms of communication the term probably was reffering to WS FTP, a File Transfer Protocol client. An FTP is a program that allows people to upload and share files from anywhere around the world so that other people using the program can access them.

More information can be found at: http://www.ipswitchft.com/

My final assignment was to explain MS. And of course every one knows MS refers to Multiple sclerosis, a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating disease.

An MRI scan shows the damage.

Finally, as I finished up, it occured to me. Extreme Close-Up (ECU) was the correct answer... the other answers were probably related... that meant WS stood for Wide Shot and MS stood for Mid Shot. I had wasted a lot of time following false leads, however, I had uncovered the truth.

According to www.mediacollege.com/video/shots/ in terms of 'The Language of Screen' an Extreme Close-Up gets right in and shows extreme detail, in a Wide Shot (WS) the subject takes up the full frame, and The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.a Medium Shot (MS) shows some part of the subject in more detail whilst still giving an impression of the whole subject.

Examples of the three different types of camera shots can be seen below.

Extreme Close-Up (ECU)

Wide Shot (WS)

Mid Shot (MS)

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