Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Me No Like Macs

Through great trial, I have managed to navigate my way around this 'Mac' computer and have created this blog for my uni course 'New Communication Technologies'.

I hate Macs.

Thus, this course does not bode well for my aesthetic sanity, as Macs confound me, they're not terrible, just awkward in a number of unnecessary ways. PCs are more comfortable and as such, more user friendly. I do however appreciate the lack of pop-ups and error messages - in this sense, Macs are perhaps smoother processing, but not operating, change the mouse and keypad then we'll talk.

Yes, perhaps I am bias with no good reason. Perhaps I am afraid to accept change. But that doesn't change the fact that for whatever reason, I don't like Macs. They make me uncomfortable and irritant. So.... yeah.

I have nothing more to say on the matter.